Funny Memes to Many Chiefs Not Enough Indians

Too Many Chiefs, and Not Enough Indians, Doesn't Make A Tribe


Too Many Chiefs, and Not Enough Indians, Doesn't Make A Tribe.

And there seems to be this invisible ball that gets tossed back and forth, from time to time, when two people are dating. One person initiates something, and the other person responds. And it goes back and forth.

Now in dating, as I have heard all over the place, there is a gardener and a flower, or a sun and a planet. This is from other people, books/magazines, television, and so on. Now let's take a look at those three scenarios.

Too many Chiefs and not too little Indians doesn't make up a tribe- not everyone can be the leader, but the chief doesn't live on forever.

And with the invisible dating ball getting passed back and forth, it's like the role of the chief going back and forth, an initiation is made, and a counter -measure responded with. The role of the decision making goes with this invisible ball, back and forth.

From chief to Indian, or gardener to flower, or sun to planet. One nourishes and helps the other grow, with their decision making, skills, abilities, and natural talents. But in reality, the roles of the gardener and the flower never change. The chief and the Indian, and the sun and planet stay the same.

But in a relationship, the difference maker is being able to interact and interchange roles from time to time, as the gardener and the flower and vice-versa; to give way for the chief and the tribe to be able to grow crops upon this earth under the sun. Giving way to harmony, a natural order.

But when there are "Ball-Hogs" present to this invisible dating ball and the role that follows, and the role of the chief is being sought after and fought over, that's where problems arise - if this was the case of the flower, and you had two gardeners instead, and no flower, well, where's the beauty they so wanted to look at? And what and where is their hard work going to get them when they have no seed to sow? And when you have two gardeners, and they both grow their own separate flowers, then you have to separate, independent relationships.

So now we're starting to go around in a circle, sort of. There's a new twist to our turn in the road. Say this happened to two chiefs, a man chief and a woman chief (instead of two gardeners), and they had little Indians. And they are unsure of which tribe they are suppose to belong to. And a lot of other things. Is it okay for them to interact with both tribes? Is there a right and a wrong tribe? Is this the nature of law? Is this the law of man? Who says the Indians just can't go and start their own tribe? Why can't the Indians make order of law? Who really upholds the peace? Where is the harmony in it all?

*Too many chiefs, and not enough Indians, don't make a tribe.* But one person, shouldn't always get to be the chief, and the other shouldn't always have to be the Indian.

*And the brain is composed of two sides, if a person able to treat one side as the gardener and the other side as the flower, and the other person in the relationship is able to do so, then learn to fly because the sky is the limit. The sun and the clouds won't seem so far after all. But if not, then learn to dig, dig a way out of the dirt, and try not to crawl like a worm from a bird while doing so.*


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