O Brother Where Art Thou Black People Sing When Digging

~ Psalm 55:1-8/James one:2-4, 12 ~


In the genre of "Christian" movies, it's probably the best of them all. Of course, it wasn't produced to be a Christian motion picture. The Coen brothers would never call back in such terms. After all, they've made some incomparably non "Christian" movies, such as Claret Simple, Fargo, The Big Lebowski (although that ane has some interesting metaphysical themes), and No Land for Old Men.  Just to me and many others, O Brother, Where Art Thou? deals with the crucial Christian themes of guilt and forgiveness, faith and skepticism, good and evil too equally, or may I say, better than, any overtly "Christian" movie.

And then there's the fact that it is based on that ancient Greek mythological story, Homer's Odyssey, (although quite loosely); again, decidedly non a Christian story. More almost that later. Yet the Coen brothers decided to prepare their story in the rural Mississippi in the depression of the 1930s. And thus, Christian religious sentiments ooze out everywhere. And most poignantly in the music. So, today's Music for the Soul, featuring the Noe Valley Ministry Choir under the direction of Kelly Vicious with our guest musicians, Alisa Rose and Daniel Fabricant brings us the wonderful songs of O Brother, Where Art Yard?

One of the running themes of the movie, especially in the music, is the notion that life is hard, existent difficult, and anytime nosotros hope to find relief in sky. Perchance we'll exist able to "fly abroad" to sky and exist awarded our promised crown.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 55:1-8

In that low-cal, our first scripture reading is one of the hopeful sources for such thinking. Reading from Psalm 55:1-8

Requite ear to my prayer, O God; do not hibernate yourself from my supplication. Attend to me, and answer me; I am troubled in my complaint. I am distraught by the racket of the enemy, because of the clamor of the wicked. For they bring trouble upon me, and in anger they cherish enmity against me. My eye is in ache within me, the terrors of death have fallen upon me. Fear and trembling come upon me, and horror overwhelms me. And I say, "O that I had wings similar a dove! I would wing away and be at rest; truly, I would flee far away; I would order in the wilderness; I would hurry to find a shelter for myself from the raging wind and tempest."

Sermon, Function ane      "The Coen Brothers and Homer"

The pic is based on Homer's "Odyssey" with some obvious parallels. George Clooney'south leading character is called Ulysses Everett McGill; he and his companions Pete and Delmar escape from a Southern prison farm and brainstorm a peculiar journey. Like Homer's Ulysses, Everett is but as vain near his looks, asserting quite frequently that he uses "Dapper Dan" hair pomade. Having escaped from a prison gang the three go on an "odyssey" of Everett'south making to find the treasure. Forth the way, they come across the black prophet-poet who is, of course, blind. They are seduced by the three sirens on the banks of the river. There'south the cyclops-blazon figure in the person of 'Big Dan', a hustler-salesman with an heart patch.

With this Homer-esque storyline, the Coen brothers, by placing the story in 1930'south rural Mississippi, bargain with vagaries of American culture: A barbarous and ineffective prison system, purse-of-current of air politicians groping for whatsoever strategy will win them votes, pervasive blatant racism, and the scientific reasoning of Everett who envisions a transformed Due south, a "veritable age of reason." And mayhap most importantly, the role of popular music, religious and secular, in assuaging the pain and alienation of the working poor. The music of O Brother, Where Art Thou? is a wonderful drove of early Country music; a merging together of Southern white folk songs and blackness gospel and blues. However, the music is not simply pic background music. It plays a prominent role in telling the story. Of course, The Soggy Bottom Boys singing "A Man of Constant Sorrow" becomes a central plot signal. But no more than talking about. Let's sing information technology. As you enjoy these delightful sounds, heed for the themes of hope and redemption in the midst of a hard life. Here is the Noe Valley Ministry building Choir with Kelly, Alisa and Daniel performing the music of O Blood brother, Where Art M?

Musical Presentation O Brother, Where Fine art Thou? Medley

NVM Choir; Kelly Cruel, piano/director;

Alisa Rose, fiddle; Daniel Fabricant, bass

Scripture Reading: James 1:2-four, 12

My brothers and sisters, whenever y'all face trials of whatever kind, consider information technology nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and consummate, defective in nothing.

Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. Such a one has stood the test and volition receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love God.

Sermon, Office 2      "Life Is Hard merely Then We Go a Crown!"

We are all duplicitous. We have practiced traits and we have bad traits. And in the grade of our lives both get all mixed together in what we call "being human being." A central bulletin of Christian faith works with our good/bad selves to observe a way to redeem us. But we ordinarily accept to go through tough stuff along the way. We mess up and so we have to fess upward.

Towards the end of the picture show, Everett reveals to Pete and Delmar that he lied to them; in that location is no treasure. He was merely using them to find a way to get back to his wife who has taken upwardly with a new suiter. His was a selfish manipulative story in order to convince them to escape the prison gang with him. Even though he conspicuously cares for the wellbeing of his friends, he hardly apologizes for his lie and proves himself to be a rather selfish guy. Thus, Everett is a man who can be alternately warm and selfish.

But with this duplicity comes forgiveness. The entire story hinges on forgiveness. As they escape from prison, Pete and Delmar hear people singing "Down to the River to Pray" and they follow. Seeking to be forgiven for their crimes they joyfully enter into the waters of baptism. Everett scoffs at their new establish religious sentiments, reminding them that redemption under God is not the aforementioned thing as redemption under the law. Yet, Everett wants to be forgiven too, but from his ex-wife. Simply then, later, Everett himself prays for forgiveness for lying to his friends. Really, it's quite a prayer:

Lord, please look down and recognize us poor sinners. Delight, Lord, I just want to see my daughters again. I've been separated from my family for so long. I know I've been guilty of pride and sharp dealing. I'thousand deplorable that I turned my back on you. Forgive me. Help the states, Lord, for the sake of my family. For Tommy'due south sake, for Delmar's and Pete'due south. Let me see my daughters once again, Lord. Help united states, please.

Then, miraculously, a huge rushing water floods the valley and they are saved from the hangmen. To which, Everett immediately claims "there's a perfectly scientific caption for what just happened"

We, here in 2022 San Francisco, are far removed from the religious world of depression-era rural Mississippi. We don't often talk of earning heavenly crowns (OK, we never talk about heavenly crowns). We don't ofttimes sing of flight away to heaven on some bright morning when this life is over. But it is office and partial of our living faith to exist in God's hands in this life and the side by side. Nosotros don't often speak in the revivalist verbiage of going downward to the river to pray and be baptized. Yet, our baptisms hateful we belong to God and have from the very beginning. And, yes, life can be difficult – sometimes even as people of "constant sorrow"; life can feel that style. Yet even in the hard things of life, nosotros take the "promise that is given: I'll meet you on God's golden shore." Aye, life is hard but then nosotros get a crown. And so, as we live out this sometimes quite contradictory life of faith, perhaps we all will exist institute "in the highways, in the hedges," where we'll "exist somewhere a-working for our God." So it is, in some manner or other, whether information technology be literal or metaphorical, we sing:

Jerusalem, my happy home,

when volition you welcome me?

When shall my sorrows have an end?

Your joys, when shall I see?

There saints are crowned with glory great;

they see God face to face;

They triumph still, they will rejoice,

delighting in God'south grace.


Source: http://www.noevalleyministry.org/2019/09/o-brother-where-art-thou/

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